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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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the show results of the trip historic elections have been delayed for a second time with some local people starting to drug that be able to count will never be announced. the arab league could see where a sunday deadline to accept foreign observers into the country it follows a ground from a by its council resolution condemning damascus for violence know each other three thousand civilians have died this year but russia opposed the motion saying it was a one sided. voting is already under way to russia's parliamentary elections as polling stations open in the east of the country with counting to begin after the ballots closed nationwide on sunday.
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international news live from moscow this is also here with me you thanks for joining us the show results of egypt's historic elections have been delayed for a second time causing frustration among protesters on the highway of square however leaked reports suggest that the muslim brotherhood's political party has made the strongest gains all she's put us here has all the details from cairo we haven't seen the results of individual candidates because these were elections in which people were voting for the individual candidates as well as political parties and in this respect only four out of the fifty three members of parliament have been officially elected the remaining what i'm able to see the more than fifty percent of which hold that they needed and in this respect there will be a runoff come monday and tuesday of next week but in terms of the political parties and still no confirmation. although we are hearing reports in these parts of the
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muslim brotherhood in a comfortable first position with certain percentage of the votes of the brotherhood has gone so far as to call on its wyvil to accept. the will of the people for the surprise of these elections has been the strong showing of the salafist group it is expected that it could get as much as a of the seats in parliament this would put it in a very powerful position to influence the debate and the discussion at a point of entry level now this is the first time that a salafist has registered as a political party in the past it has been accused of insanity tarion strife against egypt's minority christian community now we are hearing reaction from his role it has called these developments to quote the israeli government very very disturbing his way defense minister and he says that he hopes to adhere to international treaties that it has signed in the past particularly the making nine hundred
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seventy nine peace treaty with israel the muslim brotherhood has always been to this peace treaty it has close ties with us and in this respect the mass has issued a statement on its website commending the egyptian people for what it says clearly showing support for islam as the rallying call until his square remains much the same as it has been for weeks now and that is that people there simply do not believe the commitment of the promise by the government and the military the military is saying that it will step down once a new parliament is in place mixture and it has to this end of point in the government under kemal guns now we were expecting that it would finish and also in his new government today this is what we heard from him it has not yet happened but after they were leaks to the media in terms of who would be making up some of those positions in the new government we're now hearing that he's reconsidering some of those positions because many of them seem to be fair. sins and names from the old
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regime and this just reinforces what people in tahrir square are saying and that is that the military is not genuine about wanting to hand over power in the long run and this have been warning not to read too much into these elections it's still not clear exactly how this new effort will be structured how much power it will have and its you know how much power the military in the long run is prepared to have. and you can follow his policy on twitter with the latest on the situation in cairo and in her latest reports that people are preparing to spend another night on taffy square are starting to judge that the results of the historic elections will never denounced so it's followers that ask him the sky and get the latest from cairo. the arab league has given syria until sunday to accept observers to monitor and rest in the country or face more sanctions and has also banned in one thousand syrian officials from travel to arab states and has frozen their assets this comes
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as army deserted have clashed with government troops and a new outbreak of violence of twenty five people reportedly killed on both sides meanwhile the un human rights council has passed a resolution condemning alleged violations by the syrian authorities and appointing a special investigator to probe into the matter but russia and china against the motion saying is ignores crimes committed by the opposition and might lead to foreign intervention under the pretext of protection is human rights one would think that it is the role of the international community to help resolve internal crisis through promoting dialogue what we don't understand is why for that can be done in yemen that cannot apply to syria in serious imo from the outset the message which has been set up from some quarters capitals is there is no way the law can help those who go into dialogue they should stop it immediately that there is no future in the arab league initiative we believe that this is something very
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counterproductive and this is something which has exacerbated the situation in syria the international community is not there to to smell blood to firm confrontation but the international community is there to prevent further bloodshed and to encourage it encourage what this is what the united nations is about this is what the security council is about. so syria's main opposition group has vowed to cut ties with iran hezbollah and hamas of the government if the current government goes professor you're kind of gotten the rockets over the the recto they transferred peace university told us here that agenda goes very well with the regional interests of some other countries the western intend this of course to split of suit completely from any range and connection as they see it in yemen the west there is with the leadership and against the opposition. in syria there will be opposition against the leadership cutting in march to shark me so it's
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a question of where the big boys are the big boys which group are the big boys fighting the big wave started but it's so typical visually is libya being played again to be referred to and before that would probably cost much more and more many more civilians than the loads that will protect and it will set the tone for the war that will go on for a long time. working in russia's elections to the lower house of parliament just a duma has kicked off in the eastern most regions of the country seven parties are fighting to overcome the threshold at seven percent of votes needed to win seats citizens have been casting their ballots will be followed elsewhere across the nation sunday for the conscience time zones around one hundred thousand polling stations are to open in russia throughout the day the outcome of most interest is whether the ruling united russia party manages to keep its majority over but to fathom the number needed to pass amendments to the constitution in the house
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elections are being monitored by international observers from seventeen european countries the u.s. and israel. and it will be providing you with extensive coverage of the elections so stay with us for the results the reaction and depth analysis. the campaign closes. the people prepare to speak. in duma election eleven. in-depth coverage of has won the hearts and minds of the russian. military. european leaders are planning what's being described as budgetary intervention in the running of the u. member states german chancellor angela merkel is pushing for the creation of a fiscal union of euro zone countries it would mean that the financial policies of the nations would have to be approved by brussels with penalties for countries which break the rules the move would require changes to the treaty and robert oulds
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director of the bridge group or is that crazing at fiscal union were put on known to democracy within. if there is a fiscal union which will take years to build in the u. that will mean that there will be the end of democracy within europe it will mean that countries will be effectively governed by the european central bank and germany cannot make thinking and the interests of a very few. european elite based in brussels it's really dangerous i think to centralize power the euro has created a great deal of economic problems be thrown then they're going to have you know cap more problems on to that by creating a fiscal union which will mean that government tax and spend policy will in a sense will be run from brussels and frankfurt and that is a new deeply undemocratic move stored up further trouble in the future with the problems are with the euro and they really do need to recognize that the euro should be broken up into more manageable parts and countries have control over their own economic policies again and that way they can get growth back into europe
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at the moment the european economy is just stagnating because they're stuck in the strait jacket of the european single currency. as the global economic crisis rages . pundit mocks kind as it continues his mission to expose the shadowy figures behind it and his revelations and for that coming up but he's a pretty. german finance minister says big bazooka not ready would not stem crisis even if it was this suggests to me that in fact wolfgang schauble is meeting in private with goldman sachs bankers and telling them to short the heck out of europe right now because the plan is to pull the rug out from under them when we saw that in the greece an area remember john paulson the hedge fund manager was in greece in athens shortly before the crisis to call there and was meeting with the government and instructing them on how he was going to rip that country down using massive short sales so this financial terrorism using weapons of mass
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financial destruction to destroy economies and impose austerity measures is now taken to a much wider level they want to take down the entire eurozone. unemployment in the u.s. has drops its lowest level in turn to half years according to the latest official figures and while it could bring truth to barack obama in the run up to elections republicans are unimpressed saying the jobless rate is still higher than when he took office trends for constitutional things the democrats are simply spinning the numbers to their own advantage but when you look at the real numbers in who got the jobs it's. food stamp employees oh there were jobs created in retail you know those wonderful jobs we take people's money and you say
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have a nice day and there were jobs in hospitality that's another word for cleaning up somebody who's room oh when there were jobs in health care you know working in nursing homes making sixty to fifty a week by that slime after taxes you know so these are real jobs this is a plantation economy and the big law that no one's talking about as they pump up this week number you need a hundred twenty thousand five thousand jobs a month just to account for the new people moving in to the economy and population growth so that leaves all the people that have lost all these jobs since the great recession hit still out of work as many americans are struggling to find work others that visit planning their christmas shopping but is that place for keeping up to date was wild events on that at the very high finance has been looking for on the streets of.
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are people aware of what's going on in the world this holiday season are they only interested in shopping this week let's talk about that what do you make of the first egyptian election since the revolution so nobody knew about it well what do you think is the importance of it don't know anything about it or what's on your mind that shopping do you agree with britain's choice to pull out of its embassy in tehran. we don't follow the news these days so i'm not so informed about what do you follow these days. all the trip around the city how do you think the european union should handle the greek situation but hear me out so that they really don't follow that closely now what are you guys been plowing in the news. knowledge and. he watches the news i watch the good. what is that h.d.t.v.
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and the cooking channel did you think nato had a right to pakistan this is getting very political i'm on a five day holiday i'm not going to go to try to political discussion i don't mean the sit down not worldly but i'm being more attention there was have been over here it was happening in another country that is somewhat not affecting us do you think that's what most people feel probably what about you probably whether or not you've crossed everything off your list this holiday the bottom line is you might want to consider taking a break from shopping to find out what's going on in the rest of the world. still to come this hour here on r.t. raising their hands against a raising their native tongues point out the russian speaking minority in the former soviet republic of the state here suffering from the so-called britney.
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in person and. article of the human rights acts ensures the rights to a family life for those who live there but what sounds found paper is being used in reality by criminals because they can overturn decisions to deport them for their offenses by using the legal loophole that allows them to stay on the wrist smith explains the right to a family life is not an absolute right and it must not be used to drive a coach through our immigration system. article eight an innocuous sounding element in the human rights act but which means having children can stop illegal immigrants being kicked out of britain no matter what they've done paul houston knows what it's like to have your family destroyed his twelve year old daughter amy was killed in a hit and run by an iraqi who was banned from driving across. him the driver of the car the runner or. current on the current or on the apollo the car
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and. she became trapped under the wheels of the car and. you basically for the guy trapped under the wheels in the old car amy's killer asso mohammed abraham already had a string of minor convictions even before he moved her down and fled but because he subsequently fathered two children by a british woman he still lives in the u.k. it's article eight that keeps him here oddly enough it was one of these that catapulted the issue into the headlines the home secretary seizing on claims that an illegal bolivian was allowed to stay in this country because of the emotional trauma of separating him from his pet not quite true but it got people talking and noticing much more serious cases including a rapist who successfully argued asylum his social life and
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a killer who lived with his parents in may this year it was revealed that nearly four thousand foreign criminals were set free from detention centers because it was decided they couldn't be deported within a reasonable time among them dozens of rapists murderers and paedophiles separately last year nearly six hundred people use the human rights act to avoid deportation the vast majority citing the right to a private and family life in the case of amy's killer a series of bungles and delays by the authorities meant that by the time eva haim came up for deportation he appeared to have created a family despite flimsy evidence about his parenting intentions he was allowed to stay yet she would rights campaigners argue britain's status as a haven for the persecuted is sacred these are very hard back hundreds of years they're embedded in international law you know that we have two options in the
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aftermath of the second world war so make sure that we always. going to go into society on those principles that we hope to hear through a grieving father. like paul that's missing the point what we have a special we articulate human rights act we have criminals terrorists murderers rapists drug dealers or using the human rights act as a shield to hide behind and so i want to stone contra. i haven't got a problem with any genuine asylum seekers or think anybody has but what we don't want to see is we don't see people abusing or not what's wrong and i think not what needs to be addressed amy was paul's only child he now lives alone spending his time campaigning against article eight and wondering why the rights of his daughter's immigrant killer outweigh his own laura smith r.t. . for over two decades as the soviet union and as the russian speaking minority in
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eastern year has been suffering because of the mother tongue they speak it's phrases from a nation can lose their jobs seemingly unprotected by the european union or its human rights provisions of exterior shots the husband. a russian speaking fisherman catches a magic fish it promises to fulfill all his wishes in his own aeon but he does not understand the language and he dumps it this social ad urges the russian minority in the stony to learn estonian in a rather amusing fashion the reality is no joke at all. old state officials are obliged to know the estonian language in the course of their work this is written in our language it also applies to people working in the majority of public services. just like other post soviet baltic states estonia has its own language inspection the body which oversees how the language law is being observed at times laying it down quite harshly the language inspection has the legal right
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to conduct spontaneous checks on anyone working in any sphere and should a person fail the store new language exam the body may then initiate the sacking of this employee human right activists say this has turned a language inspection into a punitive body. it is not that they have nothing to say it's just that they believe their voices are being silenced estonia's three hundred thousand strong russian minority has been protesting at what they describe as the language inquisition some of these people either lost their jobs or are on their threat of doing so because they are forbidden from speaking their native language soonish us through every so often cursed soviet power never applied in the restrictions of languages historians were free to educate in their language nowadays the authorities have almost banned the russian language from schools besides some russian communities don't have qualified teachers who can teach physics or chemistry in
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a stone ian in the latest twist five workers at an orphanage were fired for not being able to speak a story into the children that's in a town where ninety six percent of the population are ethnic russians. and i don't want to sound rude but as long as we leave in this country we have to leave by the lord and i fired those people because they had been warned but did nothing. human rights activists acknowledge the rule of the law but stress that in the language case it is not applied properly the law doesn't put any difference between almost everyone sees russian as their native language and other parts where most of the people speak a stone and with such disproportion we can talk of direct language discrimination and indirect ethnic discrimination activists in another baltic states have been gathering signatures and holding a referendum to make russian the second state language and many say they have a strong chance of pushing it through a stone despite being criticized by amnesty international for its language policy
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is adamant and it seems the russian minority would not catch the magic fish granting their wish anytime soon. see reporting from thailand in a story. let's now have a look at what else is making news around the globe nations says a roadside bomb has killed three troops in eastern afghanistan this comes as the u.s. state department's top official robert blake says washington is considering setting up a military base in the country after nato coalition forces withdraw the statement was made during his official visit to stan there are around one hundred forty thousand international troops in afghanistan due to withdraw by the end of twenty fourteen. indian police have clashed with protesters angry over a lack of compensation for the world's worst industrial accident while it's marks the twenty seventh anniversary of the ballpark disaster in which a union carbide pesticide plant leaked lethal gas killing around fifteen thousand
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and four isn't up to hotham million people that indian government wants another one point seven billion dollars for the victims after previous administrations settled in one thousand nine hundred eighty five almost five hundred million dollars of demonstrators are demanding around eight billion dollars compensation. clashes between vices and police in southern peru a scene of one person killed and another twenty wounded here is demonstrators block the pan-american highway protesting against the expansion of a local prison this covers flared up when police arrived at the scene to disperse the crowd and clear the way for vehicles and as the country's second violent protests this week twenty were injured in the ruse north in a demonstration against and mining project on tuesday. the separate paid for rights in south africa's thousands of protesters begin gathering in durban to raise awareness about climate change billed as a global day of action the demonstrations as a summit on the topic reaches its home waymark in the city to go stations that
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focus on how the next period of agreements will be shaped who will participate and under all who is a top u.n. official says she is confident industrial countries will review calls to cut greenhouse gases are for their current commitments expire next year. iranian diplomats have returned home to a hero's welcome after being expelled from the u.k. they were told to leave the country after protesters stormed the british diplomatic compounds in tehran what's an official's blame iran's leadership for allegedly endorsing that tax crowds of students gathered at terrence airport to show their support for the diplomats and child and a british slogan is. the biggest cake in the world where you see returns has drawn the thousands of visitors to watch but not t.v.'s they colossal creations are the festive season and the spirit of christmas has been traditionally marked in dresden with the annual cake parade almost two hundred million of raisins
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have been used in the giant stolen cake so how many calories of also well we won't talk about. my time and i will work with a recap our top stories in just a few moments. as russians pick for parliament who are the main contenders in the race for juma
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seats party leader gennady zyuganov types the achievements of communism from before his time but he's criticized for his rebel small with the russian orthodox church current campaign slogan the politics of the majority is made to win will return the motherland stolen from us trial readies free education and housing punishing illegal immigration and introducing ethnicity stumps in passports party success story second in all presidential elections since the end of the u.s.s.r. criticized for exploiting soviet nostalgia with pensioners and a discontented industrial working class no no brought for its red flags with the hammer and sickle the communist party of the russian federation duma election two thousand and eleven on r.t.e. . wealthy british style. that's not on that.
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market. can't. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cancer for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our. bodies. but. it's all designed to keep you close in your. world as a prison. you know you leave somebody in there for a couple hours like that in a stress positions. you have this fear of the unknown and this stress sort of building and. i've seen interrogations go on ten twelve hours they chose
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songs i remember from marilyn manson and metallica slayer the two songs would be angel of death and raining blood to kill the enemy going to war coming up here into iraq to me look into baghdad. johnny put the body sort of for just the rock n roll bad it was fitting for the job we were doing. phone watches show every single moment. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with a video camera so i moved over and he followed me. you know we realized they were following everyone from early in the morning.
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the only chance to get rid of him. is to reveal him. on our. well. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.


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